The first season of the American television drama series ''Sons of Anarchy'' created by Kurt Sutter, about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in California's Central Valley. The show centers on protagonist Jackson "Jax" Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the then–vice president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself. ''Sons of Anarchy'' premiered on September 3, 2008, on cable network FX. ==Plot== The series begins with the torching of a SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original-the club's full name) gun assembly warehouse and the theft of guns by a rival club, the Mayans. The police attend the scene where Joaquin County Sheriff Vic Trammel, who is on SAMCRO's payroll, finds two dead illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, Jax's estranged meth-addicted wife Wendy, who is pregnant with his child, collapses. An emergency C-section is performed and a baby boy is delivered ten weeks prematurely. Wendy has decided that the boy shall be named Abel. Jax goes to a storage unit to collect some old baby clothes and comes across a box of his father's stuff, in which he finds a "manifesto" outlining what the now-deceased founding member (John Thomas Teller, "JT") of SAMCRO hoped the club would become. This document sends Jax into a dilemma as he struggles with the direction the club is taking. Gemma, Jax's mother, club president Clay Morrow's wife, former wife of JT, and unofficial club matriarch, visits Wendy in the hospital and tells her she will kill Wendy if the drug addicted mother attempts to gain custody of Abel. She says that because Wendy took drugs during pregnancy, Gemma will see to it that the baby never calls Wendy "Mommy." A broken-hearted Wendy overdoses on the methamphetamine supplied by Gemma. Charming's Deputy Chief Hale finds the immigrants' bodies at the burnt-out warehouse, but Tig and Bobby remove them before he can forensically examine them. Tara, Jax's high school flame, recently returned to Charming after several years away earning her M.D. and completing her residency, now works at the local hospital, where she played a significant role in Jax's premature son's survival and eventual recovery. Tara receives a threatening phone call from a former boyfriend, ATF agent Josh Kohn, who comes to Charming stalking Tara, pretending to investigate the Sons, but apparently on vacation status. To solve a gun trafficking problem under the ATF's watchful eye, the Sons head out to Indian Hills, Nevada, to patch over the Devil's Tribe Motorcycle Club. While there, Clay sleeps with a girl named Cherry, who takes a liking to Half Sack. Kohn follows the Sons and witnesses their shootout with the Mayans. Kohn provides Tara pictures of Jax in compromising situations to try to split them. The Sons soon become aware of Kohn's presence in Charming. Clay is arrested on charges of aiding and abetting a triple homicide after guns sold by the Sons are used in a shootout. Cherry arrives in Charming, and Gemma realizes Clay has slept with her. Shortly afterward, Gemma assaults Cherry with a skateboard and is subsequently arrested. Tara reveals to Jax that Kohn has been stalking her since she broke up with him, and she has a restraining order against Kohn. Jax throws Kohn through a plate glass window before beating him and telling him to stay away from Tara. Kohn is arrested for breaking his restraining order, which ends Kohn's career as a federal agent. Kohn returns to Tara's house and attempts to rape her, but Tara is able to grab his gun and shoot him in the stomach. Jax comes to her aid and advises Tara to let the police handle the situation. However, when Kohn calls Tara a "biker slut", Jax shoots him in the head. Jax takes Kohn's body to the hills and later returns to burn it. He also throws his father's memoir into the fire, but takes it back out within seconds. Opie, Jax's closest friend since childhood and fellow MC club member, botches a planned assassination that was a favor for the IRA, and Bobby steps in to complete the task. However, their crime is witnessed by the victim's 17-year-old black mistress. ATF Agent June Stahl tries to crack the club's unity by interrogating the women associated with the club: Tara, Luann, Donna, and Cherry. Stahl arrests Cherry on outstanding warrants, but Charming Police Chief Wayne Unser aids Cherry, who escapes Charming that night. When Big Otto learns that Stahl is trying to use the RICO Act to bring the club down for racketeering, he violently assaults Stahl in prison. The young girl who witnessed Bobby commit murder provides the ATF with sketches of Bobby and Opie, and they are subsequently arrested. Stahl sets up Opie to look like a rat, even though she knows it endangers his life, and Tig and Clay fall for the ploy. They believe Opie has turned informant when they find wire taps in Opie's phone and truck. Clay orders Tig to kill Opie without telling anyone else in the club; however, Tig mistakenly kills Opie's wife Donna while she is driving Opie's truck. Clay set up the shooting to look like the One-Niners shot Donna, protecting members of the club. However, feeling guilty, Deputy Hale tells Jax that Stahl set up Opie. Jax subsequently realizes that Clay organized the shooting. Tig, Happy, and Chibs find the witness to prevent her from testifying. Tig is about to kill her, but Jax has followed them and confronts Tig, putting a gun to his head. Instead of killing her, Jax threatens her and gives her enough money to leave California. Jax is clearly unhappy remaining under Clay's rule, as he sees Clay as immoral, and leading the club away from its roots. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Sons of Anarchy (season 1)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク